Enroll by October 28 and get a $50 gift card.Learn More
Child saving money for college

Here’s your treat – enrollment fee waived through Halloween!

The pandemic has not hit all Florida families equally. Some Floridians have lost their jobs and are hurting financially. If this describes you, our thoughts are truly with you. (We would encourage you to use this message to fuel your journey to financial recovery and revisit it just as soon as you’re able!) Other families have found themselves with canceled vacations, fewer shopping trips and overall downsized expenses. To these families, we say: It’s time to get to work on your savings plans.

September is National College Savings Month. To raise awareness and encourage families to seize this unique moment, Florida Prepaid is waiving the $50 application fee from now until October 31, 2020, when families use promo code DREAMBIG20.

We hope this will be just the spark needed to take action for families who are reevaluating their finances and discovering they can start saving or save more, especially when it comes to college. By setting aside a little each month early on, families can prepare financially for college in a way that is affordable and guaranteed.

With a Prepaid Plan, families don’t have to worry about the hocus pocus of the stock market. That’s on Florida Prepaid to manage.

“Recent months have been challenging for families, but we are heartened to see that Floridians are using this time to look at their finances, focus on savings where feasible, and take the long view when it comes to college savings,” said Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis. “The key to making college savings affordable is to start early and be consistent.”

With Plans starting at less than $50/month for a 1-Year Florida University Plan for a newborn, there is no better time to start saving. We also offer five other Prepaid Plans, including the most popular 4-Year Florida University Plan and the 1-Year University Dormitory Plan. Families can use the online Prepaid Plan pricing tool to determine what the various plans cost based on a child’s age, as well as explore the different payment options available.

During the most recent Open Enrollment period, Florida families purchased more than 50,000 Prepaid Plans, locking in the guarantee and certainty of stress-free college savings. Floridians are following the national trend of skyrocketing personal savings rates above 30 percent – higher this year than any time since the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis started tracking this in the 1960s.

We hope that you’re in a position to start saving with Florida Prepaid today. To learn more and check Plan prices for your child, click here.  

Have questions? We’ve got answers! Explore our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about our Prepaid Plans and Savings Plan. And click here to start your savings now!

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Enroll by October 28 and get a $50 gift card.

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