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Help your child prepare to apply for college with this checklist

Applying for college can feel like a daunting process. Like any big project, it’s best to break it into bite-sized pieces and check them off one by one. Here is a handy checklist to share with your college-bound child, to help them stay on track! They of course have to do the work, but as a parent, you can also use this checklist to do regular check-ins supporting their efforts.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

🔲 Narrow the list of colleges to between five and 10.

🔲 Download college applications and financial aid forms.

🔲 Immediately review details and deadlines regarding where and how to submit them.

🔲 Make plans to visit as many of the target colleges as possible.

🔲 Take the ACT and/or SAT one more time in the fall of senior year.

🔲 Create a master to-do list that includes college application dates and financial aid application dates.

🔲 Choose who will write the student’s recommendation letters and ask them early.

🔲 Write college essays early. Let it sit for a bit; then revise it.

🔲 Ask counselors to send colleges all necessary transcripts at least two weeks in advance.

🔲 Keep photocopies and digital files of all applications.

🔲 If a student might qualify for Bright Futures scholarships, remember to log any remaining service hours.

🔲 Study for AP exams and finish senior year strong.

Remember that priority applications to some Florida universities, including Florida State University and University of Florida, are due as soon as Nov. 1. Good luck!

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