September is National College Savings Month
Do you need help coming up with a plan to pay for college? Not sure where to start or when? Maybe you’re looking for flexible solutions, and you want to do something financially — but you’re not sure you can afford to do it all?
Congratulations! You have come to the right place. The Florida Prepaid Blog and website offer lots of big-picture information about higher education, as well as details about our savings plans and how to enroll, invest and ultimately use them.
And your timing is perfect. September is National College Savings Month, when we encourage families to learn more about the costs of college and how to start saving today.
Did you know that students with dedicated college savings are 2.5 times more likely to enroll in and graduate from college than children with no account? And it’s projected that by 2020, 65% of jobs in Florida will require postsecondary education.
The overall median wage for recent Florida graduates is up $2,800, from $36,300 to $39,100 between 2014 and 2015, according to the Florida Board of Governors’ Annual Baccalaureate Follow-Up Study.
So peek around this website. Are you curious how much you should be saving each month for your 6-year-old to attend a Florida University? Or to earn a degree from a State College? Maybe even to go to a private institution? Our online calculator will give you some estimates. You can look up information on a specific college or university, and look at costs with and without room and board. According to Savingforcollege.com, a realistic goal for many families is to aim to save 25% of projected college expenses.
We have a wide variety of savings plans available to you through Florida Prepaid. Head over to our “What We Offer” section, and you’ll see that you can save for higher education in ways that might surprise you. Florida Prepaid Plans offer an easy way to get started saving for college today, and all Prepaid Plans are guaranteed by the State of Florida. That means you will never lose your investment.
It’s time to get curious, get creative, and get ready to commit. We hope our scholarship program inspires you to do all three!