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Thankful for Grandmother’s Investment

When I was 3, my grandmother made the decision to invest in my future. She purchased Florida Prepaid’s 4-Year Florida University Plan. My grandmother understood this plan would make it possible for my parents to send me to college free of debt.

Florida Prepaid has made my college experience immensely better and I thank my family every day for investing in my future.

Today the average cost of a 4-year degree at a university is $30,000, and according to U.S. News & World Report, it takes 21 years for the average bachelor’s degree holder to pay off their debt.

With costs like that, I don’t know if college would have been an option for me without Florida Prepaid. Florida Prepaid has made my college experience immensely better and I thank my family every day for investing in my future.

Florida Prepaid also allows families to work together to save for college. Their Prepaid Plans allow the amount needed to prepay college tuition to be broken down into monthly payments, starting as early as the day a child is born. A lump sum of $30,000 might induce sticker shock, but $182 monthly payment toward a child’s future is not so overwhelming.

The burden of college tuition should not be a student’s main focus. Florida Prepaid has provided me with the opportunity to immerse myself in studies so I can be better prepared to join the workforce.

As students we work daily to balance our studies, health, jobs, involvement in organizations and our emerging independence. The burden of college tuition should not be a student’s main focus. Florida Prepaid has provided me with the opportunity to immerse myself in studies so I can be better prepared to join the workforce. When I graduate, I am thankful I won’t have to worry about student loans.

Through Florida Prepaid, my family was able to empower and support me. I cannot imagine where I would be without my college education!

Nora Taylor is a senior at Florida State University.

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