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Open Enrollment Ends Feb. 28th – Press Release

Open Enrollment Ends Feb. 28


Families must purchase by Feb. 28th to secure current plan prices.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Jan. 28, 2014 – Families have only one month remaining to purchase a Florida Prepaid College Plan during this year’s Open Enrollment. The opportunity to take advantage of current plan prices — which remain unchanged from last year on the lump-sum payment schedule, ends Friday, Feb. 28th. Enrolling is easy to do online at

“The families of more than one million children have taken the essential steps to securing their child’s higher education by saving early and doing so with a Florida Prepaid College Plan,” said Florida Prepaid College Board Chairman Duane Ottenstroer. “Families have little control on the changing costs of college, but with the savings options provided by Florida Prepaid College Plans, families on any budget have the opportunity to get a step ahead and safely save for their child’s college education with peace of mind. It’s never too early, or too late, to start saving.”

Families can select one of four Prepaid Plans to prepay the cost of tuition and most mandatory fees at Florida’s 12 state universities and 28 colleges. While designed for use at a Florida College or State University, the flexibility of a Florida Prepaid Plan allows the amount covered by the plan to be applied to schools nationwide as well a technical school or a private educational institution. With four saving options and a variety of payment options available, families have the flexibility to tailor their college savings strategy to fit their budget and higher education savings needs.

Additionally, the Florida Prepaid College Plan is – and always has been – financially sound. These tax-free plans are financially guaranteed by the state of Florida, so families have nothing to lose, dispelling concern for loss of investment. If the beneficiary decides not to attend college, the plan may be transferred to another member of the family. Or, families can receive full refunds at any time and for any reason.

All applications and fee are due by the Feb. 28th deadline. The first plan payment is not due until April 20, 2014. Families can visit or call 1-800-552-GRAD (4723) to speak to a customer service representative.

For more information on plan options and prices, and to purchase a plan, visit


About the Florida Prepaid College Program

For more than 25 years, the Florida Prepaid College Board has provided families with financially sound options to help save for college. Since 1988, Florida families have purchased more than 1.6 million Florida Prepaid College Plans and invested more than $6.7 billion, making it the largest and longest continuous operating prepaid plan in the nation. The Florida Prepaid College Board is committed to helping Floridians save for future qualified higher education expenses through the Florida Prepaid College Program and the Florida 529 Savings Plan. Florida Prepaid is the largest, longest running and most successful prepaid plan in the nation with nearly one out of 10 Florida children, from newborns to high school students, currently having a Florida Prepaid College Plan. Created in 1987 by the Florida Legislature, the Florida Prepaid College Board sold the first prepaid tuition plan in 1988 and was named “The Stanley G. Tate Florida Prepaid College Program” in 2006 to honor its founding chairman. No taxpayer money is used to operate the Florida Prepaid College Program.



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