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Prepaid Enrollment is Over, Saving for College Isn’t


Last week Open Enrollment for Florida Prepaid College Plans ended, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start your college savings right now! Whether you couldn’t decide on what plan to buy or you just weren’t sure a Prepaid Plan was the right investment for your family you don’t have to skip out on saving. A Florida 529 Savings Plan may be exactly the perfect way for your family to start saving.

With a 529 Savings Plan from the Florida Prepaid College Board the main thing to remember is FLEXIBILITY.

A 529 Savings Plan lets you have ultimate control over your college savings. You can start whenever you’d like and save for anyone – even yourself! There are no monthly payments, so feel free to contribute as much as you want, when you want. All your earnings are tax-free when used for qualified educational expenses (like tuition, books, housing, etc.) so all of your investment comes right back to you. And don’t worry about an age limit or residency requirement, a Florida 529 Savings Plan is open to everyone, everywhere (as long as you’re 18 years or older and a U.S. citizen or resident alien).

The Florida Prepaid College Board offers 11 different investment options to help you start savings. From our age-based portfolio option, which automatically decreases risk the closer your child gets to graduation, to our small cap fund option, which invests in small capitalization core companies, you can be as aggressive or conservative with your investment as you want. The choice is always up to you.

The most important thing to remember is that every dollar saved now is another they won’t have to borrow later. The sooner you start your college saving the faster that savings will grow – as will your peace of mind, knowing that when the time comes the to pay that tuition bill, you’ll have a tuition fund waiting.

So save today for their tomorrow. It’ll be here before you know it.

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Open Enrollment is Now!

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