Article Archive (Page 17)  

  • March 27, 2018
  • March 22, 2018
  • March 13, 2018
    Path to College

    How to Tell It’s Time For a Tutor

    When your child is struggling academically in school, it shows, and not just on their report card. Your child might express anxiety about upcoming tests, make negative comments such as “I hate reading,” or even express physical complaints of headaches or nausea. Oftentimes, parents can work with their child themselves…
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  • March 13, 2018
    Path to College

    How to Tell It's Time For a Tutor

    When your child is struggling academically in school, it shows, and not just on their report card. Your child might express anxiety about upcoming tests, make negative comments such as “I hate reading,” or even express physical complaints of headaches or nausea. Oftentimes, parents can work with their child themselves…
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  • February 21, 2018
  • February 15, 2018
    Financial Literacy

    Choose the right savings goal for you

    So you know you need to start saving for college, but just how much should you set aside each month? The answer to how much to save depends on a few variables: the age of your child, the projected cost of the school they might attend and, how much you…
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  • February 7, 2018
    Path to College

    How much after-school activity is too much?

    We all want to raise well-rounded children — children who do well in school but also have commendable character, children who chase after goals, treat others kindly and know there’s more to life than test scores. It’s one reason we sign them up for extracurricular activities. If in the process…
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  • January 25, 2018
    Lifelong Learning

    SAT Prep Classes: Take them or leave them?

    If your child is old enough, you might find yourself wondering, Are SAT and ACT preparatory classes worth the effort and expense?  Valid question. First, it would be wise to recall what’s at stake with these two well-known college admissions tests. Higher standardized test scores give students a better chance…
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  • January 22, 2018
    Saving for College

    Prepaid is paying off one lucky winner’s plan!

    If you’re getting one message about saving for college, we hope it’s this: Starting early matters. At Florida Prepaid, you not only can begin saving for college early, you can lock in tomorrow’s tuition at today’s prices, and that’s a deal that can’t be beat. To help get you excited…
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  • January 10, 2018

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